Create your smart factory! Make the right move now and benefit from our many years of experience and expertise. Use our digital QUAT²RO products to develop your production facilities into a smart factory of the future! QUAT²RO® Production offers valuable services for your Industry 4.0 smart factory, from the management of master data and production orders to the monitoring and control of logistical and organizational processes. Manage your production processes automatically and flexibly, saving valuable resources.
- Record production data from the machines, check weighers, barcode scanners, metal detectors, etc.
- Transfer completed production orders to your ERP system
- Exchange data with other QUAT²RO modules
- Create reports and logs
- Establish a modular structure for the production management system
- Make adjustments in line with your requirements
QUAT²RO® Production – Generate Added Value!
In addition to optimizing your production processes, the QUAT²RO® Production software module enables you to increase the capacity utilization of your systems and optimize their transparency. The comprehensive production management makes every step of your production processes tangible. The system maps the entire value chain from weighing, filling, checking, and labeling through to palletizing and packaging. The integration of the production level into the ERP level releases incredible potential for optimization.
This is highlighted, evaluated, and implemented through the intelligent networking of all production steps and their integration into your company’s logistical and organizational processes. Important information and data not only flow from the ERP system into your production processes, but also back again. This enables incoming orders to be populated with data and transferred to the machines and systems, for example. In return, production data is collated in these machines and systems and transferred back to the ERP system. This makes it possible to automatically generate production orders, send order data to packaging machines, labeling devices, and the like, as well as to record and archive production data from machines, check weighers, barcode scanners, etc. – and to achieve unrivaled efficiency.
Smart – Smarter – QUAT²RO Production!
Boost your production to the next stage!
The intelligent integration of all production steps unlocks tremendous optimization potential: Data flows seamlessly between the ERP system and the production level. This ensures efficient order management, with production data collected and analyzed in real time. As a result, production orders can be automatically generated, and critical data is transmitted to machines, labelers, and packaging systems. Simultaneously, all production data from checkweighers, scanners, and machines is captured and fed back into the ERP system – delivering end-to-end efficiency that leaves nothing to be desired.
- Greater capacity utilization of your production systems
- More transparency and flexibility in your production processes
- Support for customers’ quality management
- Efficient handling of complex processes
- Time savings through optimized operations thanks to networking
- Optimized information basis for quality management
- Traceability of the goods produced
- Increased data availability and streamlined IT infrastructure
QUAT²RO® Production – Software Structure
The QUAT²RO® Production software comprises three components: a database in which all pertinent information about orders and their status is stored, a service that communicates with the machines, sends out order data and reads in feedback data, and the web interface, which presents order information and can be used to create and manage new orders.
The components should preferably be installed on a (Windows) server, but can also be distributed across multiple computers. The website can be configured to be accessible by other computers in the customer network providing the server is connected to both the machine network and the customer network. An interface (XML, OPCUA, web service) can be used to load orders from a customer-provided ERP system plus production-related information can be reported back.